Writing Workshops
I facilitate writing workshops, especially in nature writing and life writing. I sometimes work in partnership with poet and writer Alison Lock. We can offer short taster courses, days or longer retreats. I also offer training within organisations to equip staff to create more vivid copy for their own publications and websites.
Please get in touch for further details.
Some feedback from sessions at the Scottish Ornithologists Club, Wiston Lodge and Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre:
"I have really enjoyed this session. It has been like a big door opening for me... You were both wonderful facilitators - you valued and respected every participant and every contribution made to the group. The session was enhanced by you both sharing your own writing and experiences. Thank you Alison and Anna"
"I liked the relaxed and informal feel of the sessions... the time flew by."
"I learned that any topic can open up a path"
"Excellent workshop - the timing was well managed - nothing felt rushed and I wasn't twiddling my thumbs at all. It was a revelation that five minutes is both long enough and short enough. I would really like to take the practice into my daily life."
"Thanks that was really great. I like all the concepts and steps to support your writing. I never really write for myself. The workshop was great – steps, format, suggestions, I liked the poems - nothing to point out to improve it! Just want to do it again!"
"I found it challenging but not too challenging, and stimulating. This was the first creative writing workshop I've done and would like to do more now... so you must have done something right!"
"I found the workshop extremely useful. I was slightly apprehensive, wondering if I would be able to write anything but I ran out of time on most of the exercises."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the day. My brain was buzzing with ideas as a result of the trigger objects and the different ways of leading into writing. Overall very inspiring. Can we do it again?!"